1. Wspomnienie o Profesorze Henryku Klamie / Memories of Professor Henryk Klama
Anna SALACHNA University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland asalachna@ubb.edu.pl
1-4; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_salachna_vol220221-4.pdf
Keywords not specified
Abstract not specified
For citation: Salachna A. 2021. Memories of Professor Henryk Klama. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 1-4 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.01
2. Zastosowanie membran MWCNT/PAN do usuwania metali ciężkich / Application of MWCNT/PAN membranes for heavy metals removal Lucyna PRZYWARA University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland lprzywara@ubb.edu.pl
5-14; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_przywara_vol220225-14.pdf
Keywords composite membranes MWCNT/PAN, heavy metals, ultrafiltration
Abstract The paper presents results of research on the production, properties and application of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based membranes with the addition of multi-wallet carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) for the removal of heavy metals such as lead, zinc, cobalt and nickel from water and wastewater. The introduction of the MWCNT additive into the PAN matrix slowed down the membrane coagulation process, which resulted in an increase in their mass per unit area, thickness, apparent density and porosity, pore size of the membranes and improved the transport and separation properties. PAN membranes were obtained using phase inversion method. First, a 12% solution of PAN in DMF was prepared. Membrane-forming solutions containing 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% of MWCNT respectively were prepared to form MWCNT/PAN composite membranes. Of all the composite membranes MWCNT/PAN obtained, the membrane “1” was characterized by the best properties. The pure water flux through membrane “1” was 9–12 fold higher than in the unmodified membrane (“0”). Performing structural tests enabled to explain phenomena observed during physicochemical properties tests. When analyzing the SEM photomicrographs (cross-section, bottom layer), it can be reported that the best structural is characterized by membrane “1”. The satisfactory results of transport membrane research encouraged to analyze the separation properties of composite membranes MWCNT/PAN. In order to test the separation properties, water with individual ions and ions in the electroplating wastewater was analyzed in terms of the use of the membranes for heavy metals removal. The examination of water individual ions was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry showed that only Zn2+ and Co2+ ions were completely removed (100%) on each of the membranes obtained in the experiment. The degree of heavy metals removal for all the obtained membranes and for subsequent ions was estimated at: 100% (Co2+), 70–100% (Zn2+), 65–100% (Ni2+) and 62–100% (Pb2+) for water and wastewater. The yielded results may indicate the occurrence of competitive reactions leading to preferential removal of metals from the electroplating wastewater.
For citation: Przywara L. 2021. Application of MWCNT/PAN membranes for heavy metals removal. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 5-14 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.02
3. Formowanie materiałów chitynowych przy zastosowaniu elektroprzędzenia / Formation chitin materials with the use of electrospinning Dorota BINIAŚ University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland dbinias@ubb.edu.pl Anna BIERNAT Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala
15-23; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_biniaś_biernat_vol2202215-23.pdf
Keywords fibres, spheres, chitin, phosphoric acid, FTIR
Abstract As part of the research, chitin materials were obtained using the electrospinning method. For this purpose, chitin solutions were prepared in phosphoric acid and lithium chloride in an amide solvent. The coagulation of chitin materials was performed in alkaline water baths and in distilled water. As a result of the method, microspheres and microfibers of chitin were obtained. The morphological structure of the obtained materials was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an optical microscope. The obtained microspheres were characterized by a similar diameter value, amounting to 195 μm. In contrast, chitin microfibers from 90 to 150 μm. The obtained materials were subjected to mid-infrared and Raman spectrophotometric tests in order to determine the influence of the solvents used on the chemical structure of native and regenerated chitin. Infrared spectroscopy studies confirmed no changes in the chemical structure of regenerated chitin. Raman spectroscopy studies confirmed no degradation of regenerated chitin. In the spectra obtained, differences were observed in the form of changes in the shape of the bands for oscillators be associated in inter-molecular interactions, which is caused by changes in the supermolecular structure.
For citation: Biniaś D., Biernat A. 2021. Formation chitin materials with the use of electrospinning. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 15-23 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.03
4. Zakres stosowania rozporządzenia REACH dla zeolitów / The scope of the REACH regulation to zeolites Zdzisław ADAMCZYK Silesian University of Technology, Department of Applied Geology, Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland zdzislaw.adamczyk@polsl.pl Andrzej HARAT University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland aharat@ubb.edu.pl
24-29; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_adamczyk_harat_vol2202224-29.pdf
Keywords environmental management, REACH system, zeolites
Abstract REACH is an European Community regulation, which aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. All chemical substances within the European Community (EC) territory in quantities of more than 1 Mg P.A. have to be registered by manufactures or importers, which have to submit to ECHA dossiers about each substance. The last mentioned refers to both natural as well as synthetic substances. Good example of this type of substances are zeolites. This paper presents the aspects of REACH regulation in case of zeolites production. Zeolites are crystalline, micro porous, hydrated aluminosilicates that are built from an infinitely extending three dimensional network of [SiO4]4- and [AlO4]5- tetrahedral linked to each other by the sharing of oxygen atoms. Zeolites, thanks to their sorptive and ion-exchange properties, have a great potential in their application e.g. water and wastewater treatment (removal of ammonium ions, heavy metals, oil-derivative contaminants, radioactive compounds), adsorption processes etc. Zeolites are natural minerals (chabazite, phillipsite, mordenite, clinoptilolite) but majority of zeolites used commercially are produced in synthetic processes. Natural zeolites are a substance within the meaning of REACH regulation as a consequence of mentioned substance definition given in 3rd Article of regulation. The problem of synthetic zeolites is closely connected with status of waste in the meaning of Waste Framework Directive and REACH regulation.
For citation: Adamczyk Z., Harat A. 2021. The scope of the REACH regulation to zeolites. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 24-29 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.04
5. Wpływ czasu użytkowania na właściwości włóknin Maliwatt stosowanych jako zabezpieczenie przeciwerozyjne skarp / Effect of time of use on properties of Maliwatt nonwovens used as slope erosion control
Joanna GRZYBOWSKA-PIETRAS University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland jpietras@ubb.edu.pl Patrycja DERBIN Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala
30-38; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract |
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_grzybowskapietras_derbin_vol2202230-38.pdf
Keywords geotextile, biononwovens, slope, erosion, biodegradation, tenacity, hydraulic properties
Abstract The additional artificial elements have been implemented into weak soil to improve and stabilize the structures. The most frequent example is use of geosynthetics materials that increase stability, improve bearing capacity of soil, protect against surface erosion, affect into properties connected with filtration and drainage. The basic methods to protect against erosion of slopes is selected planting of grass and vegetation that prevent surface destruction. The application of biodegradable geotextiles allows to increase the positive impact on local stability of slopes. Advanced geotextiles support the vegetation growth by protection against dewatering. The geotextiles with grass seeds, biomates and fabrics made of natural fibers are frequently used in these applications. The physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of applied materials should correspond to the purpose of built structure and type of soil. The paper presents results of research of the Maliwatt type nonwovens. The analysis includes: the influence of different type of Maliwatt nonwovens and time of their use on selected physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of these materials. The research was done by use of biotextile stitched with the Maliwatt technique that is available on the Polish market. The geotextiles were obtained from waste synthetic and natural nonwovens (RKL) with grass seeds, and innovative non-woven fabrics stitched with polyamide yarn (Maliwatt) obtained from low-quality washed sheep wool. The impact of the type of non-woven fabric on the growth of grasses was also analyzed. Research included spreading of 2 types of nonwovens on a natural slope with natural soil cover for 5 months period. All tests were performed in accordance with the applicable harmonized standards.
For citation: Grzybowska-Pietras J., Derbin P. 2021. Effect of time of use on properties of Maliwatt nonwovens used as slope erosion control. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 30-38 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.05