Świadczymy usługi wydawnicze na rzecz środowiska Uniwersytetu Bielsko-Bialskiego


Filtruj wiadomości

1. Zmienność temperatury powietrza na stacji klimatycznej Podłaźce w Sromowcach Niżnych w latach 1994-2023 (prezentacja wyników) / Variability of air temperature at weather station Podłaźce in Sromowce Niżne trough the years 1994-2023 (data presentation)

Janusz KOZAK
University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Engineering Sciences, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Ewelina ZAJĄC
Pieniny National Park, Jagiellońska 107B, 34-450 Krościenko nad Dunajcem, Poland

1-14; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_kozak_vol820241-14.pdf 


Pieniny National Park, air temperature, climate change

The article presents results of air temperature measurements carried out at weather station located at the foot of Three Crowns (Trzy Korony) in the area of Pieniny National Park. The aim of the authors was to compile and evaluate basic meteorological data, i.e. air temperature, obtained from 30-year long monitoring. Weather station at Podłaźce was established in 1993 at the foot of Three Crowns (Trzy Korony) as a base and control point for automatic climate monitoring in the Pieniny National Park in order to record possible climate changes caused by the construction of Czorsztyn-Niedzica dam. Continuous measurements are taken there in a Stevenson screen to provide homogeneity of the climatic sequence. The study discusses basic thermal indicators in relation to climate change and measurement carried out in this area as well as provides data for publications and research carried by authors and other institutions. The results show a noticeable deviation of values towards warm years starting from 2012 onwards, with two exceptions to this trend in 2017 and 2021. The analysis of average decadal and monthly temperatures and the occurrence of extreme values presents no significant changes in time. The frequency of very warm days tends to remain at a level above 50 per year (only the years 2003 and 2018 deviate from this generalization). There is a decrease in cool days after 2014. Winter is the fastest-warming season and warm winter days happened more often over analized 30 years.

For citation:
Kozak J., Zając E. 2024. Variability of air temperature at weather station Podłaźce in Sromowce Niżne trough the years 1994-2023 (data presentation). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 8(28), 1-14 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.8.01

2. Wybrane instrumenty ekonomiczne ustawy o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym / Selected economic instruments of the Spatial Planning and Development Act
Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Engineering Sciences, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

Student of the University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland

15-24; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_harat_żabińskaherma_vol8202415-24.pdf


spatial planning, economic instruments, planning fee

The principle of municipal planning independence has various consequences. One of the most important, from a practical point of view, are the economic consequences presented in the article, related either to a decrease or increase in the value of real estate that is covered by the adopted or modified local development plan. As a consequence of introducing the discussed legal instruments into the legal system, the commune, as a local government unit, incurs or obtains economic benefits related to the adopted planning regulations. From a procedural point of view, these receivables are of different nature. In the case of planning compensation due to the owner of a property caused by a reduction in its value, its civil law nature is noticeable. This fact is confirmed in particular by the procedure for pursuing a claim by the entitled person by filing a lawsuit in a common court. On the other hand, the planning fee related to the increase in the value of the property, following the adoption of a planning resolution by the Commune Council, should be considered a benefit of a public law nature, falling within the jurisdiction of the administrative courts. This fee is collected by the commune in the event of substantive legal conditions specified in the Spatial Planning and Development Act. The indicated legal solutions should be considered an important element of the legal order. There is no doubt that the actions of the commune, undertaken within the limits of the statutory authorization and relating to determining the method of real estate development, have a significant impact on the value of the real estate.

For citation:
Harat A., Żabińska-Herma A. 2024. Selected economic instruments of the Spatial Planning and Development Act. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 8(28), 15-24 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.8.02

3. Koncepcja sanitarnego wykorzystania wody deszczowej w zlewni potoku Straconka w Bielsku-Białej / The concept of sanitary use of rainwater in the Straconka stream catchment in Bielsko-Biała
Katarzyna RATOWSKA
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Engineering Sciences, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

25-36; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_ratowska_madzia_vol8202425-36.pdf

water management, water retention, water consumption, domestic water tank

The article presents the conceptual research on the management of rainwater in the Straconka stream catchment, most of which is located within the territory of the city Bielsko-Biała (Poland). The study was focused on the possibility of using rainwater for flushing toilets in order to reduce the consumption of treated tap water (intended for consumption). Sanitary use of rainwater requires its collection in a tank of appropriate capacity. The selection of the tank depends on the roof area, the number of residents generating water consumption and the technical possibilities of the installation. To conduct the simulation, all buildings were inventoried, the roof area was determined. Data on the number of residents were also included. In turn, data on the amount of atmospheric precipitation in the study area enabled determining the degree of coverage of the demand for rainwater for flushing toilets. The analyses were conducted for single-family housing, multi-family multi-level housing (blocks), terraced multi-family housing as well. In the first and third cases, it was proposed to implement individual closed tanks, while in the case of blocks of flats, open tanks were used. It was demonstrated that the use of rainwater tanks allows for a significant reduction in the consumption of treated water. In the case of single-family housing, the use of a domestic tank with a capacity of 250 dm3·person-1 would reduce the consumption of treated water in the toilet by 95.8%. For multi-family multi-level housing, the construction of one open retention tank with
a capacity of 300 m3 would reduce the consumption of water in toilets by 51.6%. In the case of terraced multi-family housing, the use of a domestic tank with a capacity of 350 dm3·person-1 would reduce the consumption of water in toilets by 90.8%. For the purpose of selecting the individual tank capacity, a nomogram was formed that takes into account the roof area per resident.

For citation:
Ratowska K., Madzia M. 2024. The concept of sanitary use of rainwater in the Straconka stream catchment in Bielsko-Biała. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 8(28), 25-36 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.8.03

4. Powódź w Polsce w dobie zmian klimatu / Flood in Poland in the era of climate change
University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Engineering Sciences, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

37-43; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_suchanek_vol8202437-43-1.pdf

flood, retention, hydrologic drought

Heavy rainfall, caused by the Genoese low, led to flooding in September 2024, reminiscent of events more than 25 years ago. The catastrophe did not affect only Poland but throughout the Central European region the situation was dramatic. The reason for such downpours was the Genoese low, named Boris. This is a specific low-pressure system that forms over the Gulf of Genoa, which is part of northern Italy. It is formed when warm, moist air from over the Mediterranean Sea meets much cooler air masses coming from the north, mainly from over the Alps or Central Europe. The main reason for its formation is the marked thermal contrast between the two types of air. Warm, humid air heads northward and as a result of the ascent forced by the Alps, it cools and condenses, which promotes the development of a low. The consequences of this flooding are enormous: destroyed homes, roads and bridges, the evacuation of thousands of people, and great damage to agriculture and industry. With global warming, the threat of heavy downpours is expected to increase in the coming years. One of the basic tools to protect the amount of water drained from the catchment area is to consider the need to perform technical solutions to increase rainwater retention. Good management of water retention, both surface and groundwater, can significantly reduce the risk of flooding, as well as mitigate its effects. Implementation of retention measures is key to ensuring effective protection against flooding, especially in cities and high-density areas.

For citation:
Suchanek-Gabzdyl E. 2024. Flood in Poland in the era of climate change. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 8(28), 37-43 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.8.04

Wariantowe zastosowanie kotła węglowego i gazowego kotła kondensacyjnego na przykładzie instalacji grzewczej budynku mieszkalnego – analiza wpływu na środowisko / Variant use of coal-fired and gas condensing boiler on the example of the heating system of a residential building – environmental impact analysis

Janusz FABIA
University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Engineering Sciences, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Student of the University of Bielsko-Biala

University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Engineering Sciences, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland


44-55; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_fabia_i_in_vol8202444-55.pdf

central heating system, coal-fired boiler, gas condensing boiler, design heat load

The article deals with a comparison of two central heating systems for a single-family residential building: a traditional one based on coal, and a modern one using natural gas. In the introductory part, which is a literature study, the context of the problems of environmental pollution resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels in individual heating systems is presented. In the design part, a technical description of the model building is presented, for which calculations of heat demand were carried out. Calculations were made of the heat transfer coefficients of heat-sensitive partitions, the so-called design heat load of individual temperature-controlled rooms was determined, and - as a consequence - the power needed to heat the entire building. Taking into account the appropriate amount of energy needed to prepare domestic hot water, the power of the heat source was selected and heating systems based on coal and natural gas were designed. For both adopted systems (heat sources), emissions of pollutants such as CO, CO2, NOX, and particulate matter were calculated. Based on the calculations, a comparison was made between the investment, operating costs and emissions of the two systems. The results indicate a significant reduction in pollutants for the natural gas-based system, making it far more environmentally friendly and in line with climate policies.

For citation:
Fabia J., Wojtek K., Graczyk T. 2024. Variant use of coal-fired and gas condensing boiler on the example of the heating system of a residential building – environmental impact analysis. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 8(28), 44-55 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.8.05

Vol. 1(01), December 2025
Electronic journal


Pliki do pobrania
Journal Flyer 627.71KB [ .pdf ]

1. O spektrofotometrii inaczej / About spectrophotometry differently

Włodzimierz BINIAŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-31; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_binias_vol720241-31.pdf 


spectrophotometry, phenomenology, photon, wave-particle duality, molecular orbitals, chemical bond

The article is written in a popular science convention. It concerns issues related to generally understood issues that are involved in explaining the principles of the impact of the measurement beam in spectrophotometric research. To explain this, we need to answer basic questions about what a photon is? What is wave-particle dualism? What do chemical bonds look like? What conditions must be met for a photon to be adsorbed by a chemical moiety? There are many inaccuracies in the current theories that do not explain the observed phenomena. The phenomenological models of the photon and chemical bonds that I have created are intended to explain photoelectric and optical phenomena that are not explained by either the wave or particle nature of photons. There is also no clear model of chemical bonds that would explain the phenomena observed in spectrophotometry. Phenomenological considerations are accompanied by several physical considerations and calculations in order to illustrate certain phenomena and proportions prevailing on the atomic scale. The above considerations are of a debatable nature and are an attempt to break away from stereotypical concepts operating in the world of science. Spectrophotometry is an analytical method that combines theories about photons, the structure of matter and phenomena that concern their mutual interactions. The phenomena visible in it can be interpreted more easily using my phenomenological image of matter.

For citation:
Biniaś W. 2024. About spectrophotometry differently. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 1-31 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.01

2. Możliwości ograniczania śladu węglowego poprzez wykorzystanie systemu zarządzania energią (EMS) / The possibilities of limiting the trace of coal through the use of the Energy Management System (EMS)
EnobEMS firma INSTALPOL sp. z o.o., Bielska 13, 43-518 Ligota, Poland,
Klaudiusz GRÜBEL
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, kgrubel@ubb.edu.pl

32-42; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_piekarski_grubel_vol7202432-42.pdf


electricity, system heat, energy management, key parameters of energy efficiency, industry, production

Increasing energy efficiency will be essential to achieving the climate goals laid out in European Union directives. This is particularly true for industries, whose share of heat and energy consumption, using Poland as an example, is about one-third of the total. This challenge has implications both in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, but also for maintaining the competitiveness of EU countries' industries in the global market. Implementation in industrial processes of energy management systems - EMS, monitoring energy key performance indicators - KPI, is a tool for making informed investment decisions, in increasing energy efficiency of enterprises and industrial processes. There is the Industrial Energy Management System (IEMS), which focuses on energy efficiency in industrial processes, the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) for buildings, such as commercial buildings, and the Home Energy Management System (HEMS), which is becoming increasingly popular for residential users and small properties. The concept of measuring, or rather calculating, the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of a manufacturing process is derived from the broader concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in general. The PCF is expressed in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) equivalent units, or CO2-eq. The essence of the PCF calculation is a multi-faceted approach to addressing the sources of GHG emissions, from the acquisition of raw materials, their processing with tools and the energy supplied to the process, through the supply chain and transport to the customer. Each of these stages generates a cost in the form of greenhouse gas equivalent (GHG) emissions to the environment, and the sum of these costs is the present carbon footprint (PCF). Typically, the majority of a product's PCF comes from the extraction and pre-processing of the raw material itself.

For citation:
Piekarski M., Grübel K. 2024. The possibilities of limiting the trace of coal through the use of the Energy Management System (EMS). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 32-42 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.02

3. Środowiskowo-prawne aspekty planowania przestrzennego na terenach górniczych / Environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas
Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland,
Andrzej JAGUŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland,

43-55; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_harat_jagus_vol7202443-55-1.pdf

mining area, spatial planning, environmental consequences of mining activities

The environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas presented in this work should be considered important, especially in the region of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, where mining has been carried out since the 17th century until present. Such a long period of mining activity, characterized by a particularly negative impact on the environment, has led to a number of adverse consequences for buildings and other infrastructure facilities. Therefore, it became necessary to develop and implement legal instruments aimed at reducing the negative influence of mining works on the environment. An important tool for achieving the indicated objectives is a forecast on the negative impact of mining works on land surface, which should be submitted by the mining entrepreneur as part of a deposit development plan. The negative impact of mining works on land surface usually results in land depression and deformation as well as the loss of its continuity, accompanied by the formation of cracks and faults. After the information submitted by the entrepreneur has been verified by the District Mining Office, it becomes one of the most important elements of the licence decision as it results in designating mining areas and so-called protective pillars. Interestingly, the currently applicable Geological and Mining Law of June 9, 2011, unlike the previously applicable regulation of February 4, 1994, does not impose a legal obligation to prepare local development plans for mining areas. It seems, however, that in the event such areas exist, their purpose and land development methods should be determined in the form of a local legal act despite the lack of a statutory requirement. This solution enables introducing restrictions on property development and, consequently, makes it possible to reduce mining damage.

For citation:
Harat A., Jaguś A. 2024. Environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 43-55 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.03


4. Goździk kosmaty Diathus armeria L. na Pogórzu Cieszyńskim (południowa Polska) / Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland)
Górecki Nature Club Association, Zalesie 12, 43-436 Górki Wielkie, Poland

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland,

56-62; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_beczala_chmura_vol7202456-62.pdf

protected species, abundance of population, localities of rare plant species

Deptford pink Dianthus armeria L. is a representative of Caryophyllaceae family. It is plant species that is strictly protected since 2014. In the local Red List for the Silesian Province it was considered an endangered species. During 2023-2024 fieldwork was done that aimed to update the list of the localities of this species in the Cieszyn Foothills region. The locality was marked on the map using methodological assumptions of Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants in Poland. The density of population was counted or estimated. As a result of the field studies in the study area 9 localities (a total of 17 local populations) of Dianthus armeria were found in grassland, meadow, fringe and ruderal communities. Totally 8 localities were new to this area. Only localities from Tuł Mt has been known earlier. There were also the highest abundance of population, estimated at 600-700 individuals but population contain several small populations that amounting from tens to several hundreds of plants. Two populations are in Cisownica village and they occupy slopes of two local mountains: Kopieniec Mt (475 m a.s.l.) and Malcowa Mt (510 m a.s.l.). In Cieszyn population grows close to the nature reserve “Kopce”, and ecological use are “Łąki na kopcach”. In Leszna Górna village populations occupy xerothermic grasslands. The other situation is Górki Wielkie where the species grows in ruderal habitats: levees along Brennica river and in the vicinity of market. The other human-made habitats which were grown by Dianthus armeria were found in Puńców. These ones were abandoned quarry of dolomites and the vicinity of sports field but close to the fring of oak-hornbeam forest. In general, the population in the Cieszyn Foothills, size ranged from a few individuals to approximately several hundred. The lack of accurate data from previous years does not allow to assess the dynamics of the distribution and abundance of this species. Based on the general trends of Dianthus armeria in Poland, the population status appears to be satisfactory.

For citation:
Beczała T., Chmura D. 2024. Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 56-62 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.04


5. Otrzymywanie i degradacja kompozytów na bazie polilaktydu i paździerzy konopnych modyfikowanych stearyną / Preparation and degradation of composites based on polylactide and hemp shives modified with stearin
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland,
Weronika DRABEK
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland


63-73; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_binias_drabek_vol7202463-73-1.pdf

polylactide (PLA), hemp shives, composites, biodegradation

As a result of the work carried out, composites were obtained whose matrix was polylactide (PLA) and the filler was hemp shives with the addition of stearin. Using a heating press, composites with different shares of both PLA and hemp shives were obtained. The amount of stearin was always 15% in relation to the mass of hemp shives used. Samples were prepared from the obtained composites to test the biodegradation process, which were measured and weighed. The biodegradation process was carried out in the environment, placing the appropriately prepared batches of composites in compost derived from grass. Samples were taken at monthly intervals to analyze changes in mass and thickness and morphological assessment. The degradation process of the obtained composites was carried out for 3 months. The mass of the samples after the first month of biodegradation did not change significantly, however, with the biodegradation time, the masses of the tested composite samples decrease. The thickness of composite samples after the first month of biodegradation increased in relation to the initial value, which may be caused by the adsorption of water from the substrate. However, after three months of biodegradation, a decrease in thickness was observed for all samples in comparison to the initial value. Analysis of the surface morphology of the composite samples carried out using a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope confirmed the biodegradation process for the obtained composites. Stearin, which is a mixture of fatty acids, used as a composite modifying additive turned out to be a nutrient for microorganisms present in the compost, which accelerated the decomposition of the samples. As a result of the conducted research, it can be stated that the obtained composite has properties that support ecological processing, which is in line with the assumptions of a circular economy.

For citation:
Biniaś D., Drabek W. 2024. Preparation and degradation of composites based on polylactide and hemp shives modified with stearin. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 63-73 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.05


1. Retencja wody w zróżnicowanych geograficznie zlewniach górskich / Water retention in geographically diverse area of mountain catchments

Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Hrabska Av. 3, 09-090 Raszyn, Poland
Andrzej JAGUŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-12; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_kowalczyk_jagus_vol620231-12.pdf


mountain areas, catchment features, water resources, water runoff, water outflow

The article describes the research on the retention capacity of two mountain catchments in the Polish Carpathian Mts. These are the catchments of the Czarna Woda and Biała Woda streams. These catchments are adjacent, have a similar area (about 11 km2 each), but are geographically diverse. Their geomorphology, hydrographic network, soil water permeability and land use were analyzed. The Czarna Woda catchment is a forest catchment, and the Biała Woda catchment is a forest and agricultural catchment with pasture areas. The geographical analysis of the catchment showed that the Czarna Woda catchment most likely has greater retention capacity. Theoretical analyzes were verified on the basis of long-term measurements of flows in both streams. Outflows were calculated for the entire study period (2006-2022), as well as annual, monthly and daily outflows. The measurements were carried out using the overflow method in permanent measurement cross-sections. The total outflow from both catchments was similar, so they had similar water resources. In particular years, months and days, outflow often differed significantly between catchments. It was found that during the periods of increased water runoff (from precipitation, from snowmelt) the outflow from the Biała Woda catchment was higher, while in the periods without precipitation the outflow from the Czarna Woda catchment prevailed. Short-term flood outflows were at least several dozen percent higher in the Biała Woda catchment. The measurement data confirmed that water was better retained in the Czarna Woda catchment and the outflow was slower. Water retention processes in the Czarna Woda catchment allowed to maintain minimum outflows at a level several times higher than in the Biała Woda catchment. The studies have shown that in a very small mountain area there can be a large variation in outflow in individual streams. Retention capacity of the catchment depends on environmental conditions and human activity.

For citation:
Kowalczyk A., Jaguś A. 2023. Water retention in geographically diverse area of mountain catchments. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 1-12 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.01


2. Dendroflora wybranych parków miejskich w Bielsku-Białej / Dendroflora of the selected urban parks of Bielsko-Biała

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Marcin ADAMASZEK, Maciej KOZAK, Monika KÓSKA, Sebastian OWCZARZ, Magdalena SAWA
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

13-24; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_pietraszko_i_in_vol6202313-24.pdf


dendroflora, parks, green areas, urban greenery, trees in Bielsko-Biała

Parks are undoubtedly areas of great natural value to the city, mainly due to the ecosystem services and ecological functions they provide. An important component of every park is its forest stand. In this paper, the study of dendroflora were conducted in seven parks of Bielsko-Biała. The parks were created in the 19th century. They are located mainly in the central part of the city. This paper presents the results of the study on the species composition as well as the quantity of each species in the parks. Furthermore, basic dendrometric characters such as tree height and circumference at the breast height were also analyzed. 
A total of 615 trees belonging to 32 species from 21 genus and 12 families were found in parks. There was a dominance of deciduous trees (28 species) over conifers (5). The largest number of examined trees was in Strzegowski Park, and the smallest in Park at Komorowicka Street. In turn, the largest number of species was in Słowacki Park, and the smallest in the Park near to Zipser villa. In addition, the presence of 144 specimens with monumental dimensions was indicated. Most of the park trees had dimensions in the range of 200–300 cm in terms of circumference at the breast height and height in the interval 20–30 m. Typical trees that occur in the natural forest communities of Poland were noted in the parks. These include: oaks, beeches, ash trees, hornbeams, alders, maples or lindens. Some of them are often selected for planting in parks and avenues. Of the 32 tree species, 10 were most numerous: Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos, Acer platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, A. saccharinum, Fraxinus excelsior, Alnus glutinosa, Carpinus betulus, Aesculus hippocastanum and Quercus robur. Among examined species, alien invasive species (Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus rubra) were noted. They are classified as medium invasive plants. In this paper the authors pointed out the parameters that can affect the number of trees included in the study, for example: minimum circumference at the breast height, park area, age of the forest stand and local condition. Therefore, further research regarding the dendroflora in parks of Bielsko-Biała should be expanded with additional analyses, especially to determinate full species composition and changes in the stand.

For citation:
Pietraszko E., Żarnowiec J., Klama H., Adamaszek M., Kozak M., Kóska M., Owczarz S., Sawa M. 2023. Dendroflora of the selected urban parks of Bielsko-Biała. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 13-24 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.02

3. Pomiar przedsiębiorczości organizacyjnej w sektorze publicznym / Measuring organizational entrepreneurship in the public sector
University of Economics and Humanities, Sikorskiego 4, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Poland


25-35; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_koska-wolny_vol6202325-35.pdf

organizational entrepreneurship, public sector, entrepreneurial orientation

The activities of the public sector are visible at the state, regional and local levels, and its rational, effective and efficient functioning contributes to socio-economic development and affects the quality of life of citizens. The role of the public sector in the modern economy is systematically growing, and the management of public organizations is becoming a multifaceted phenomenon. Entrepreneurship can be defined both through the prism of economic activity and pro-social activity. Nowadays, the role of entrepreneurship is treated as an endogenous development factor, based both on the quality of human and social capital, as well as material and financial resources. It is gaining more and more importance, becoming a driving force for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness, efficiency and innovation of organizations. 
Organizational entrepreneurship, despite the intensity of scientific research, has not yet been uniformly operationalized or has universally accepted measurement methods. There are no clear guidelines in constructing a tool for measuring organizational entrepreneurship. It is also impossible to create a universal, synthetic tool that is optimal for every organization. Entrepreneurial orientation is one way to measure the entrepreneurial behavior of organizations. The aim of this work is to identify the issue of measuring organizational entrepreneurship in the public sector. It should be emphasized that the phenomenon of organizational entrepreneurship in public organizations, its determinants and measurement methods are still insufficiently recognized and described in the theoretical, methodological and empirical layers. One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the great diversity of the public sector, which creates a specific "system" of interconnected organizations and institutions, instruments and means for the provision of public goods and services.

For citation:
Kóska-Wolny M. 2023. Measuring organizational entrepreneurship in the public sector. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 25-35 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.03


4. Wpływ zachowań organizacyjnych na skuteczność zarządzania jakością / The impact of organizational behavior on quality management
Arkadiusz TRELA
AQUA S.A., 1 Maja 23, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

28-43; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_trela_vol6202336-45.pdf

organizational culture, management, organizational values, organizational behavior

The impact of organizational behavior on the effectiveness of quality management is an important research area undertaken by many researchers over recent years. Research shows that employee behaviors such as commitment, communication, motivation and teamwork influence the quality of products or services offered by the company, and thus customer satisfaction. In the light of conducted research, adopting appropriate behaviors and organizational culture may contribute to increasing the effectiveness of quality management and improving the organization's results. This is why understanding these issues is crucial for organizations trying to improve their quality management process. 
Employee behavior can influence the effectiveness of quality management in several ways. Engaged employees are more likely to be involved in improving processes and products, which translates into higher quality. Effective communication facilitates the resolution of quality problems and the rapid transfer of information. In turn, motivated employees often take up quality improvement initiatives and try to achieve set goals. Taking into account the above considerations and the growing importance of organizational culture in management, especially in the area of quality management, the question arises: whether it is possible to influence the effectiveness of quality management through organizational behavior? This question inspired the author to achieve the goal of solving the research problem regarding the inclusion of cultural aspects in quality management. To achieve the assumed goal, a literature review was carried out in the area of conditions and types of organizational behavior and quality management to present the relationship between behaviors and the effectiveness of the quality management system. The obtained results allowed for the identification of key behaviors that to the greatest extent shape the functioning of quality management systems. Among them, commitment and motivation play a key role, which, with the support of strong pro-quality leadership, is most reflected in the frequency of pro-quality initiatives, which leads to an increase in quality, customer satisfaction and achieving better competitiveness on the market.

For citation:
Trela A. 2023. The impact of organizational behavior on quality management. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 36-45 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.04


5. Wspólnotowe regulacje prawne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa pracy na budowie i ich implementacja do prawa polskiego / EU legal regulations regarding work safety at construction sites and their implementation into Polish law

Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

46-56; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_harat_vol6202346-56.pdf

occupational safety, investment process, EU directives

There is no doubt that the issues related to safety and health protection as well as accident prevention should be considered an important element of every investment and construction process. For this reason, numerous regulations in both the Community and Polish legal order have been imposed in this area. The Community regulations include numerous Community directives. The most important from the point of view of work safety in the construction process is the so-called framework directive of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to improve occupational safety and health, and the eighth individual directive of 24 June 1992 on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary and mobile construction sites. Owing to the above-mentioned legal acts, the minimum requirements regarding occupational safety in the investment process have been unified at the Community level. This is very important due to the principle of free movement of workers introduced on the basis of Art. 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Community legal regulations clearly emphasize the full responsibility of employers in this respect and, in relation to the investment and construction process, the responsibility of investors or substitute investors. 
The EU regulations were implemented into the Polish legal order by adopting the generally applicable legal acts - the Construction Law, and the regulation on information regarding health and safety, as well as the health and safety plan. The aforesaid regulations and, above all, the health and safety plan prepared on their basis are aimed at identifying hazards in the workplace and implementing solutions to prevent them at the investment implementation stage.

For citation:
Harat A. 2023. EU legal regulations regarding work safety at construction sites and their implementation into Polish law. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 46-56 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.05

6. Influence of soil specimen preparation and test methods on soil organic matter content / Wpływ przygotowania próbek gruntów i metodyki oznaczania na zawartość części organicznych w gruncie

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
University of Žilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia


57-65; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 6_nguyen_vol6202357-65.pdf


soil organic matter content, oxidation method, loss of weight on ignition, specimen preparation, organic soil

Soil organic matter content (SOM) is used e.g. in soil classification and erosion evaluation. However, its value depends on soil specimen preparation and test method so it is useful to deal with these issues. Totally 150 specimens of soils CI, MS (from Bielsko-Biała, Poland) and different 3 soils, all classified as GC (from Ujsoły, Poland) were tested. To obtain values of SOM, the oxidation method using 30% hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2) and loss of weight on ignition method (LOI) at 800°C (LOI-800) according to Polish Standard PN-88/B-04481 and LOI at 440°C according to the ASTM D 2974-87 (LOI-440) were applied. The tests were carried out for particles smaller than 0.5 mm. For every soil, 30 specimens (every with a mass about 10 g of dry soil) were prepared from 2400 g of dried soil for 3 methods, so for every method, 10 specimens, taken from various soil amount in frame of total 800 g were prepared. The results showed that values of SOM of tested soils varied from 0.33% to 6.09%. The largest relative difference in values of SOM, caused by soil specimen preparation, was 97.63% (H2O2, soil GC) and the smallest relative difference was 1.65% (LOI-800, soil CI). The largest relative difference in values of SOM, caused by test method was 1126.53% (LOI-800 and H2O2, soil GC) and the smallest relative difference was 15.17% (LOI-800 and H2O2, soil CI). The various values of SOM caused by different test method differently classify soils from organic point of view by the ISO14688-2:2004.

For citation:
Nguyen G. 2023. Influence of soil specimen preparation and test methods on soil organic matter content. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 57-65. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.06

7. Wpływ domieszkowania halogenkami metali alkalicznych na właściwości warstw perowskitowych w ogniwach słonecznych / The impact of alkali metal halide doping on the properties of perovskite layers in solar cells

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, Reymonta 25, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

66-78; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 7_szwanda_i_in_vol6202366-78.pdf


perovskite, solar cells, metal halides, doping

Perovskite cells are a new generation of solar cells that have gained significant attention in the field of photovoltaics due to their unique properties and potential benefits. Perovskites are a class of materials that have a characteristic crystal structure known as the perovskite structure. The typical chemical formula of perovskite is ABX3, where 'A' and 'B' are cations that differ in size, and 'X' is an anion, most often halogen. 
Doping with alkali metals in perovskite materials has shown a significant improvement in the efficiency of the solar cell, which is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. The addition of rubidium bromide and other alkali metals, such as lithium, sodium and potassium, affects the microstructure, electronic and optical properties of perovskites, which is crucial for the efficiency and stability of solar cells. The paper presents research results on doping with alkali metals for inorganic perovskite cells based on CsPbBr3. The process of doping with alkali metals was carried out in various stages of creating a Perovskite cell. The work presents the influence of the dopant on the structure of the perovskite and the obtained cell, as well as its optical and electrical properties. The conducted research indicates a positive effect of the addition of rubidium bromide, both in the phase of creating the lead bromide layer and during the application of cesium bromide. The most promising is the admixture of 9% rubidium bromide in the cesium bromide layer. In this way, the applied dopant is located in the perovskite structure, changing its optical and electrical properties.

For citation:
Szwanda A., Starowicz Z., Janicki J., Fryczkowski R. 2023. The impact of alkali metal halide doping on the properties of perovskite layers in solar cells. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 6(26), 66-78 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.6.07

1. Problematyka koncesjonowania wydobycia kopalin energetycznych w Polsce / Granting licences for the extraction of energy minerals in Poland

Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Andrzej JAGUŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, 
Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-13; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_harat_jagus_vol520231-13.pdf


mining activities, non-renewable resources, peat, lignite, hard coal, petroleum, natural gas

The extraction of minerals, including fossil fuels, is a licensed activity. In the case of strategic fossil fuels owned by the state, such as hard coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas, a license is issued by the minister responsible for the environment. The minister also signs a mining lease agreement, that is the right to use a mining area, with the entity to which  they grant the licence. In the case of resources that are not covered by mining lease, but are subject to land property ownership, such as rock or peat, the licensing authority is the staroste or voivodship governor (depending on the area of the deposit or the volume of the mineral to be extracted). The licensing procedure requires the preparation and completion of extensive documentation presenting the interested entity and the activity it is going to undertake. In the case of licences granted by the minister or governor, the submitted documentation is required to contain a deposit development plan. The licensing procedure consists in examining the license application along with the attached documentation by the competent authority, as well as conducting arrangements with the interested institutions and supervisory authorities. Commencement of the licensing procedure for the extraction of coal or peat is not limited in time, whereas the granting of licences for the exploration, identification and extraction of hydrocarbon deposits begins only in the form of a time-limited tender. After the licence has been granted, the area covered by its provisions is entered in the register of mining areas. Licences are granted for a specified period of time. An important element to be included in their contents is indication of the requirements for conducting a business in a way that minimizes the negative impact on the environment.

For citation:
Harat A., Jaguś A. 2023. Granting licenses for the extraction of energy minerals in Poland. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 1-13 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.5.01


2. Zmienność stężeń pyłu zawieszonego PM10 w powietrzu na terenie Krościenka nad Dunajcem w latach 2018-2022 / Variability of PM10 particulate matter concentrations in the area of Krościenko nad Dunajcem in the years 2018-2022

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Ewelina ZAJĄC
Pieniny National Park, Jagiellońska 107B, 34-450 Krościenko nad Dunajcem

14-22; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_wierzbinska_i_in_vol5202314-22.pdf


particulate matter PM10, air pollution, Krościenko nad Dunajcem

Frequent exceedances of permissible PM10 concentrations occur mainly during the so-called heating season and are readily noticed not only by environmental protection specialists but also by residents; they are also wildly discussed in the mass media. If the state of elevated concentrations persists for at least several hours, it is generally referred to as smog. The duration of smog can range from several hours to several days, causing an increase in morbidity and in the number of deaths. 
The paper presents the air-sanitary situation in Krościenko nad Dunajcem using the air quality indicator as the concentration of particulate matter PM10. Krościenko is a Carpathian town located in the valley of the Dunajec river. Such a topoclimatic location is conducive to the occurrence of frequent temperature inversions, stagnant cold air and poor ventilation, which results in the concentration of local emissions mainly from domestic boilers. The research period covered the years 2018-2022 of continuous daily D24 PM10 measurements. Preliminary comparisons of annual concentrations with selected cities located in mountainous and foothill areas of southern Poland indicated the aerosanitary problem of Krościenko. In all analyzed years, the daily norms were exceeded from 46 days in 2022 to 91 days in 2018. This situation occurs as a result of the low-stack emission during the heating period and the poor topoclimatic conditions in Krościenko. However, there is a visible downward trend in concentrations over the analyzed period, which may have resulted from the gradual reduction of the use of fossil fuels.

For citation:
Wierzbińska M., Kozak J., Zając E. 2023. Variability of PM10 particulate matter concentrations in the area of Krościenko nad Dunajcem in the years 2018-2022. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 14-22 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.5.02


3. Wpływ chemicznego kondycjonowania na własności grawitacyjne osadu czynnego nadmiernego / Impact of chemical conditioning on the gravitational properties of surplus activated sludge
Klaudiusz GRÜBEL, Marta DUDA
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

23-31; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_grubel_duda_vol5202323-31.pdf

peroxydisulfates, waste activated sludge, chemical disintegration, gravitational sludge properties

The formation of sludge is an inevitable consequence of wastewater treatment processes and their disposal and utilization requires knowledge, technology and engineering. Sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) are gaining popularity as a feasible alternative for sludge conditioning and removing recalcitrant pollutants in an aqueous environment. Application of the pretreatment processes/conditioning allows to obtain better mechanical properties of sludge. In the last decade can be noticed a lot of research from around the world focused on new methods of conditioning of sludge, i.e. the processes of disintegration, of which the destruction of the mechanical, chemical and biological. Nowadays, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) has been proposed as one of the most promising technology over conventional water treatment processes to destroy persistent organic contaminants, as well as better sludge conditioning. Persulfate-based AOPs have attracted significant interest in the AOPs due to the following merits: 1) lower costs of storage and transportation; 2) easy availability of persulfate salts; 3) high yield of sulfate radicals formation and their longer half-life compared to other reactive oxygen species in AOPs. Persulfates, namely peroxydisulfate (PDS), are the most common sulfate radical donors. In order to generate them the peroxide bonds of persulfates can be cleaved homolytically or heterolytically by various activation methods. SR-AOPs activation by heat is considered feasible due to the high concentration of radicals produced as well as the lack of catalysts leaching. The research focuses on determining the impact of activated PDS on the gravitational surplus activated sludge properties. Characteristic parameters were determined in sludge sedimentation processes, i.e. the rate of descent and compaction, sludge density index and sludge volume index, and changes in the supernatant liquid. Conditioned sewage sludge with PDS activated by microwaves changes its sedimentation parameters: the sludge volume index decreased with the dose of PDS and was dependent on it, the settling of the conditioned sludge occurred with the highest intensity in the first minutes of gravitational thickening, the oxidation efficiency of the formed radicals caused a decrease in the turbidity and color of the supernatant liquid.

For citation:
Grübel K., Duda M. 2023. Impact of chemical conditioning on the gravitational properties of surplus activated sludge. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 23-31 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.5.03


4. Wpływ ekranów akustycznych na śmiertelność ptaków na przykładzie Bielska-Białej / The impact of noise barriers on bird mortality: a case study of Bielsko-Biala town
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland


32-40; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_adamczyk_chmura_vol5202332-40.pdf

acoustic screens, avifauna, protected species

The studies on bird mortality along 12 transparent acoustic barriers near roads in Bielsko-Biala (Poland) were conducted from March to October in 2017. The aim was to characterize avifauna striking glass barriers and to relate frequency of collisions to time, developmental stage, sex, vicinity of noise barrier. During the breeding season of birds, 102 collisions of birds with screens, belonging to 25 species, were found. The most collisions were found in June, when 29 victims were observed. In this month, the largest number of juveniles (imm.) was also determined - 17 victims, the lowest number of collisions was at the end of the breeding season (September and October), where the number of collisions did not exceed 7 victims. The largest family of birds hitting the screens are Paridae, which account for as much as 31.4% of all victims. The largest number of collisions occurred with the participation of adults (ad - 68.) while 34 were young victims. The most active young birds were in June, when 17 collision victims were found. From the side of the road, as many as 60 fatalities were observed, while from the other side of the habitats - 42. As for the sex of individuals, most probably there were males (42), and there were 28 females. We conclude that acoustic screens should have nontransparent: stickers, stripes, dots, foils or be replaced by greening walls or earth embankments.

For citation:
Adamczyk M., Chmura D. 2023. The impact of noise barriers on bird mortality: a case study of Bielsko-Biala town. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 32-40 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.5.04


5. Monitoring małych rzek wyżynnych na przykładzie potoku Łękawka (gmina Bestwina, województwo śląskie) / Monitoring of small upland rivers on the example of the Łękawka stream (Bestwina commune, Silesian Voivode-ship)

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Dominika WIDUCH
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

41-49; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_salachna_widuch_vol5202341-49.pdf

ecological status, chemical status, biological indicators, benthic macroinvertebrates

The paper presents the assessment of the water condition of the Łękawka stream according Water Framework Directive, carried out on the basis of research on benthic macroinvertebrates and the analysis of data on other indicators used in the monitoring of waters. Sampling of macroinvertebrates, taxonomic identification and calculation of the MMI_PL index were carried out in accordance with the Multi-Habitat Sampling (MHS) method according to the EU standard EN16150:2012, used in Poland for the monitoring of surface waters. Field studies were carried out in September 2022. From each site, 20 quantitative samples were taken from various fractions of the substrate present in the bottom, using a Surber net. Data on other biological indicators, physicochemical and hydrobiological parameters and chemical status were obtained from the resources of the State Environmental Monitoring, concerning the results of monitoring of rivers and dam reservoirs in Poland in 2016-2021. Studies of the invertebrate macrofauna of the Łękawka stream showed the occurrence of only nine families, dominated by taxa with a wide range of ecological tolerance. The final assessment of the ecological status of the Łękawka water body, according to the RDW guidelines, based on the results of monitoring studies, showed a bad ecological status (class V) of the ecosystem. The key influence on this assessment, in accordance with the principle "the worst decides" was the value of the Polish Multimetric Ecological Quality Index MMI_PL, confirmed by the results of the hydromorphological index (HIR). The chemical status of the examined water body, determined on the basis of the results of monitoring priority substances in the field of water policy (a group of 45 indicators) and other pollutants (eight indicators), showed a "below good" class. Finally, on the basis of a comparison of the ecological and chemical status, the bad condition of the Łękawka stream was confirmed. The obtained results indicate a significant disruption in the functioning of the water ecosystem as well as a violation of the hydrological regime and morphological conditions of the streambed. It means that the achievement of the environmental goal set by the Water Framework Directive is very seriously threatened. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently regulate activities in the field of water and sewage management in the catchment area, regarding water intake and discharge of municipal and industrial sewage.

For citation:
Salachna A., Widuch D. 2023. Monitoring of small upland rivers on the example of the Łękawka stream (Bestwina commune, Silesian Voivode-ship). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 41-49 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2023.5.05

1. Zmienność sezonowa glonów planktonowych rozwijających się w wodach stawów zlokalizowanych w Parku Habsburgów w Żywcu / Seasonal variability of planktonic algae developing in water of ponds located in the Habsburg Park in Żywiec

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-12; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_jachniak_vol420221-9.pdf 


planktonic algae, park ponds

The aim of this research was to characterize the species structure and biomass of planktonic algae in the ponds of the Habsburg Park in Żywiec. This research was conducted in the 2018 vegetation season. The water samples for research were taken from two research points. The first research point was located in the north-west part of the park, in a sunny place, while the second research point was located in the south-eastern part of the park, in a shaded place. The phytoplankton biomass (given in wet mass) was calculated by comparing the phytoplankton organisms to geometric figures, and then measuring their volume. A special converter was used to convert volume to mass. Algae keys were used to identify planktonic algae species. The results of the conducted analyzes showed the variability of the phytoplankton biomass in the research season. The highest values of total planktonic algae biomass were recorded in the summer period, in turn, the lowest values were recorded in the spring and autumn periods at both research points. The following groups of planktonic algae were found on both research points: Bacillariophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Euglenophyceae. The conducted research showed that diatoms (59.6% share) and green algae (22.5% share) had the highest average percentage share in the total phytoplankton biomass on the first research point, whereas on the second research point the diatoms (66% share) and euglenins (15.3% share) had the highest average percentage share in the total phytoplankton biomass. The greatest species diversity was found among diatoms and green algae, in the remaining algae groups only two or three species of algae dominated. During the research, algae that prefer low fertile water were observed (e.g. Encyonema minutum (Hilse) D.G. Mann, Pinnularia sp.) and that prefer more fertile environments (e.g. Coelastrum astroideum De-Not., Aulacoseira granulata (Ehr.) Simonsen. Some of them belonged to ubiquitous algae, typical for various environments, e.g. Cryptomonas erosa and Ulnaria ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg.

For citation:
Jachniak E. 2022. Seasonal variability of planktonic algae developing in water of ponds located in the Habsburg Park in Żywiec. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 4(24), 1-12 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.4.01


2. Skuteczność filtracji dzbankowej w zmiękczaniu wody wodociągowej i usuwaniu chloru / Performance of jug filtration in tap water softening and chlorine removal

Silesian University of Technology, Department of Water and Wastewater Treatment, Konarskiego 18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

13-20; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 /2_kaminska_i_in_vol4202213-20.pdf

jug filters, tap water, water hardness, chlorine

Water hardness, taste, smell, and color are the most important tap water parameters for consumers. Microbiological and physicochemical parameters of tap water should not exceed the permissible values listed in Regulation of Ministry of Health on the quality of water intended for human consumption. Tap water parameters are regularly monitored, however periodically, deviations are allowed, which make it possible to supply water that does not meet the requirements of quality standards. Such a situation causes that consumers have doubts about the health safety of the supplied water. The organoleptic properties of the water such as taste, smell and color can be easily improved at home using jug filters. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of eight inexpensive and easily available jug water filters to soften and remove chlorine from water. Filters were labeled with symbols A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Experiments were performed with model water, which was prepared from drinking water taken directly from a sink and spiked with hypochlorite sodium. The hardness of model water was 7.5 mval/L, while free chlorine concentration was equaled 1.1 mg/L. 200 L of model water was filtered by each filter in duplicates. It was found that jug filtration is an effective method for removal of chlorine from water, provided that a use of proper filter. Although, all used filters are dedicated to removal of chlorine from water, not all of them represented a sufficient removal of chlorine. Filters A, B and C were the most effective for chlorine removal. For these filters, chlorine concentration was reduced to the value of 0.075 mg/L. Moreover, for filters A, B, C and E, the concentration of chlorine in the filtrates remained relatively similar throughout the entire experiment. Filters D and H represented the poorest efficiency of chlorine removal. Concentration of chlorine in these filtrates exceeded permissible value recommended by Regulation of Ministry of Health. Among eight studied filters (i.e. 0.3 mg/L), filters A and B are considered as the most effective for water softening. Generally, the efficiency of jug filtration in water softening was at mediocre level and decrease in time. It could have been caused by the high initial hardness of tap water in Gliwice. In the case of very hard water, more often than recommended by the manufacturers replacing the filter cartridges is recommended.

For citation:
Kamińska G., Puszczało E., Marszałek A. 2022. Performance of jug filtration in tap water softening and chlorine removal. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 4(24), 13-20 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.4.02

3. Środowiskowe aspekty wymywania składników mineralnych z popiołów lotnych i żużli elektrownianych / Environmental aspects of the leaching of mineral components from power plant’s fly ashes and slags
Silesian University of Technology, Department of Applied Geology, Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Andrzej JAGUŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
AP Geotechnika, Kukułek 8, 43-215 Studzienice, Poland

21-29; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_adamczyk_i_in_vol4202221-29.pdf

combustion waste, fly ash, slag, leachability test, migration of chemical substances

Leachability of chemical substances from waste produced during fuel combustion in a power plant has been investigated. The aim of the research was to identify the chemical composition of eluates obtained from fly ashes and slags subjected to the leaching test. The results of leaching tests indicate potential environmental hazards related to the migration of chemical substances. Migration can occur both during the storage of waste and due to the weathering of usable materials, including those made from waste. Leachability of the following substances has been analysed: sodium, potassium, chlorides, sulphates, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and chromium. The analysis of the results has demonstrated, above all, that fly ash eluates contain much more substances than slag eluates. This is particularly evident in the case of chlorides and sulphates, as well as nickel, which practically was not found in slag eluates. The leached substances included among others zinc, lead, chromium, which are potentially toxic to living organisms. It should be noted, however, that the contents of these substances in the eluates did not exceed the permissible concentrations in industrial wastewater discharged into the environment. Exceedances occurred only in the case of sulphates contained in ash eluates. The concentrations of a given substance in the tested eluates were found to be different during the entire research period. These differences, especially in fly ash eluates, reached several dozen and even more than one hundred percent. This shows that the use of power plant waste in civil or water engineering should be preceded by an analysis of potential environmental impact.

For citation:
Adamczyk Z., Harat A., Jaguś A., Porszke A. 2022. Environmental aspects of the leaching of mineral components from power plant’s fly ashes and slags. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 4(24), 21-29 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.4.03


4. Charakterystyka fizyczna i chemiczna osadów korozyjnych w rurach żelaznych eksploatowanych w obecności przepływu wody / Physical and chemical characteristics of corrosion deposits in iron pipes operated in presence of water flow
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala


30-40; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_przywara_jaszczurowska_vol4202230-40.pdf

corrosion, scale formation, drinking water distribution system, iron pipe

The presented paper contains issues related to corrosion of water supply lines formed in cast iron and steel. This process can manifest in different ways, including pipe degradation, release of iron by-products, water flow restriction, microbial growth and the reduction of drinking water safety for consumers, which present a significant threat to water supply safety. The aim of the paper was to show changes that emerged in pipes formed in grey cast iron and steel as a result of potable water flow depending on the duration of their use. The corrosion scales from old water pipe lines were analyzed for their structure and composition. The description of the test methodology presents the procedure regarding, analysis of the inner and outer coating with the use of scanning equipment, and chemical analysis of the corrosion sludge. In this study, corrosion products were carefully collected from four old, corroded iron pipes made of different materials – gray cast iron and steel. It can be concluded that scale characteristics, including micromorphology, porosity and composition, vary significantly due to different pipe materials and times operating. Characteristics of corrosions scales sampled from different pipe segments show obvious differences, both in physical and chemical aspects. Corrosion scales were found highly amorphous. Diverse results can be observed in the case of the test of inner and outer surface of water supply pipes with the use of scanning equipment. The highest quantity of corrosion pits in the structure were present in the line formed in grey cast iron no. 2, while the deepest pits – over 14 mm – were recorded in steel pipe no. 4. Lines with the most reduced cross-section include steel pipe no. 3, which was characterized by presence of sludge sized over 26 mm. When considering the issue of the chemical composition of the formed corrosion sludge, particular attention must be drawn to the elements that may penetrate into water as a result of its flow, thus causing a considerable deterioration of its quality in chemical and physical terms. Among the major constituent elements of the deposits, iron was most prevalent followed, in the order of decreasing prevalence, by silicon, aluminum, sulfur, calcium, manganese, magnesium. Consequently, characterization of corrosion scales is indispensable to water quality protection.

For citation:
Przywara L., Jaszczurowska A. 2022. Physical and chemical characteristics of corrosion deposits in iron pipes operated in presence of water flow. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 4(24), 30-40 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.4.04


5. Jakość wody rzeki Wisły i jej dopływów na terenie wybranych gmin powiatu cieszyńskiego (Polska południowa) / Water quality of the Vistula River and its tributaries in selected municipalities in the Cieszyn district (South Poland)

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

41-49; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_salachna_i_in_vol4202241-49.pdf

water quality, ecological state of the water ecosystem, benthic macroinvertebrates, BMWP-PL index, Margalef’s biodiversity index

The paper presents an assessment of the water quality of the Vistula river and its tributaries in selected municipalities in the Cieszyn district based on benthic macroinvertebrates. A total of 45 samples were taken on nine positions. Most of the collected individuals were identified to the family level, except: Heptageniidae which was diagnosed to the genus; Turbellaria and Oligochaeta identified into the class. The conducted research showed that 54 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates occurred at the analyzed sites. Among them, 40 taxa have a bioindicative value. The most sensitive to pollution are mayflies from the family Ameletidae and caddisflies from the families Glossosomatidae, Leptoceridae and Beraeidae. However, their frequency and density at the study sites was very low. The families Ephemerellidae, Heptageniidae, Hydropsychidae and Polycentropodidae as well as annelids from the Oligochaeta class were much more frequent. Based on macrozoobenthos diversity data, two biological indices were calculated: BMWP-PL index and Margalef’s biodiversity index. The values of these biological indicators was using to the classification of water into the appropriate quality class. The final classification showed that the examined sections of the Vistula river represents the I, II and III class of water quality what indicated high, good and moderate ecological potential/state. The first class of water quality in terms of both indices was recorded at the sites located in Ustroń, Skoczów and Drogomyśl. For these positions, the value of the BMWP-PL index was over 100, while the value of the Margalef’s index was in the range of 6.26–7.17.The lowest, third class of water quality was found in Kiczyce and Ochaby Wielkie. In these places, the diversity of macroinvertebrates was the lowest, which was reflected in the low values of both studied indices (BMWP-PL: 40; 41, Margalef's index: 2.6; 3.37).

For citation:
Salachna A., Kumorek A., Legierska A., Janecki M. 2022. Water quality of the Vistula River and its tributaries in selected municipalities in the Cieszyn district (South Poland). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 4(24), 41-49 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.4.05

1. Projekt koncepcyjny systemu zagospodarowania wód opadowych dla osiedla jednorodzinnego / Conceptual design of a rainwater management system for a single-family housing

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-9; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_suchanekgabzdyl_vol320221-9.pdf 


rainwater, infiltration, retention, reservoir

The aim of the research was to create a draft concept for the management of rainwater from the area of a single-family housing estate through the use of retention and infiltration systems with the possibility of collecting rainwater on the surface or under its surface. These systems include: a storage reservoir, an absorbent trough, a rain garden, an infiltration basin, drainage boxes and root boxes. All devices have been designed in such a way that they harmonize with each other and create an extensive system of blue and green infrastructure, without overloading the sewage network. The amount of rainwater was also calculated and the planned devices were designed and dimensioned. The devices located in the estate were arranged in such a way that they could intercept water from every part of the drained area. They can hold a total of nearly 46.5 m3 of water at the same time. This gives a very high efficiency of operation in terms of protection of surface waters and retaining them at the place of their formation. Thanks to such a high absorbency of the devices used, the estate is able to work like a sponge. The accumulated water from the drained catchments is mostly drained directly into the soil profile. This has a positive effect on maintaining the appropriate quality and high level of groundwater. Water, infiltrating into the ground through drainage layers, undergoes natural pretreatment, limiting the migration of organic and mineral micro-pollutants. The applied infiltration allows to increase the efficiency of groundwater intakes without reducing their level excessively, and its maintenance is necessary to ensure an appropriate composition of these waters. Oxygenated water infiltrating the aquifer, which contains iron and manganese compounds, can oxidize sulphides to sulphates and dissolve ferric and manganese sulphates. This means an increase in costs and an extension of the purification and treatment process of the abstracted waters. The planned infiltration and retention system is of a landscape nature. It is related to the shape and development of the land surface and the directions of its use. At the same time, the systems used do not take up much space on the ground surface, give the impression of being natural, thanks to which the area around the buildings has become more attractive in terms of aestheticsand functional.

For citation:
Suchanek-Gabzdyl E. 2022. Conceptual design of a rainwater management system for a single-family housing. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 3(23), 1-9 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.3.01


2. Wykorzystanie dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej do badania morfologii polimerów stosowanych do produkcji geosyntetyków / The use of X-ray diffraction for research the morphology of polymers used in the production of geosynthetics

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

10-20; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_baczek_ślusarczyk_vol3202210-20.pdf


WAXS, SAXS, degree of crystallinity, lamellar structure system, polymers

X-ray methods are very useful tools for the structural characterization of polymer systems. Considering the angular range in which X-ray scattering is registered, one can distinguish wideangle (WAXS) and small-angle (SAXS) X-ray scattering techniques. WAXS method is most frequently used to characterize crystalline regions in semicrystalline polymers. By means of these method one can estimate the weight fraction of the crystalline regions (i.e. the degree of crystallinity), the mean sizes of crystallites and the orientation of crystallographic planes towards the chosen direction. WAXS can also be used to determination of polymorphism in polymers. Application of SAXS method to the investigation of two-phase polymer systems yields information about the long period of the lamellar structure, the thickness of crystalline regions in lamellar stacks and the thickness of the transition layer between crystalline and amorphous regions. For amorphous two-phase polymers SAXS permits determination of the correlation lenght which is connected with mean sizes one of the phase. In the case of fractal systems SAXS is used to estimate the fractal dimension. This paper will briefly discuss individual X-ray methods and present specific examples of their applications in the evaluation of the supermolecular structure of several selected types of fibers made of polymers used for the production of geosynthetics, i.e. polyester (PES) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN).

For citation:
Bączek M., Ślusarczyk C. 2022. The use of X-ray diffraction for research the morphology of polymers used in the production of geosynthetics. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 3(23), 10-20 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.3.02

3. Nowe stanowiska jemioły pospolitej jodłowej Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH. na Pogórzu Śląskim i w północnej części Beskidu Śląskiego / New localities of Mistletoe Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH in the Silesian Foothils and in northern part of the Silesian Beskid Mts
Górecki Nature Club Association, Zalesie 12, 43-436 Górki Wielkie, Poland

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

21-27; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_beczała_jonderko_chmura_vol3202221-27.pdf

distribution, new localities, ATPOL, mistletoe, silver fir decline

The semiparasitic plant common fir mistletoe Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH is the rarest of three subspecies in Poland. In the country this mistletoe has northern border of distribution range. The previous literature data suggested that the subspecies has only few localities in the Silesian Foothils and in northern part of the Silesian Beskid Mts (southern Poland) and in addition, some of them were not confirmed. Mistletoe Viscum album subsp. abietis has been reported to increase its range and abundance in Europe recently therefore authors decided to update the distribution data of the subspecies the aforementioned area. The data about distribution of host tree silver fir Picea abies was taken from forest database and from personal communication with foresters. The area was search to find localities of the individuals on trees. In case of the single specimens on fir trees binoculars were used. In total 39 localities were given including more than 30 new localities when com-pared to literature data from 20th century. In Silesian Foothils there are 20 localities and 19 stands in the Silesian Beskid Mts. On the localities the abundance of individuals ranged from single plants on one tree to massive infestation of several dozen of fir trees. The common fir mistletoe distribution seems to be an underestimated in the southern part of the Silesian Voivodeship, it is highly probable that its next localities will be found in nearest future. Despite the category endangered “EN” in the Red Book of Plants of the Silesian Voivodship the species is not threatened anymore. On the contrary it becomes to pose a serious threat to silver fir because it can contribute to decline of trees. During the massive infestation of firs by mistletoe, fir trees often die gradually. The obtained new information will allow for a better recognition of the current species distribution and a possible revision of the threat category of common fir mistletoe in the territory of Silesian Voivodeship. For a more detailed analysis of the degree of expansion of this species, it would be advisable to examine the number of individuals and study the development of mistletoe over time on the host on randomly selected trees.

For citation:
Beczała T., Jonderko T., Chmura D. 2022. New localities of Mistletoe Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH in the Silesian Foothils and in northern part of the Silesian Beskid Mts. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 3(23), 21-27 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.3.03


4. Drzewa przydrożne w gminie Buczkowice (województwo śląskie) / Roadside trees in the Buczkowice commune (Silesian Voivodeship)
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

28-43; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_pietraszko_vol3202228-43.pdf

roadside trees, environmental inventory, biological monitoring

The research consisted of inventory and health status assessment of 105 roadside trees growing along Voivodeship Road 942 (Buczkowice commune, Silesian Voivodeship). During the study, dendrometric data, such as: tree height, circumference and diameter at the base and at the breast height, crown height, height to first branches, crown span and its shape were collected. Roadside trees, on the one hand, are aesthetic element of road surroundings responsible for environmental and protective functions, and on the other they effect on the safety of road users. Taking this into consideration, it is necessary to take care of regularity of maintenance activities and treatments to ensure proper trees health. At the same time, the proximity of the road may lead to need to remove some trees – e.g. during modernization and construction works related to road infrastructure. Roadside trees in the Buczkowice commune belonged to 13 species, among which 10 were deciduous tree species and 3 were coniferous species. The most numerous were black poplars cultivar ‘Italica’ (Populus nigra L. ‘Italica’, 21 specimens). Two invasive alien species (green ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica and black locust Robinia pseudoacacia) were found with a total number of 15. Three trees had circumference that corresponded to the circumference of monumental trees (two sycamores Acer pseudoplatanus and one black alder Alnus glutinosa). Trees health condition was based on presence of trunk and crown damage. Specifically, 53 of the examined roadside trees had satisfactory, 37 – average, 9 – good and 6 – poor health condition. In order to keep trees in good health, regular conservation and protection treatments are recommended. It was noted that such actions can help reduce the risk to road safety. The main threats to roadside trees were also indicated (collisions with vehicles, increase in salinity due to the use of chemicals to prevent road icing during winter and waste deposited around trees). In addition, the quantitative status of roadside trees in 2018 and 2022 were compared. Before 2022, 46 trees were removed as a result of road investments involving the construction of ring road of Buczkowice, sidewalk and bicycle path.

For citation:
Pietraszko E. 2022. Roadside trees in the Buczkowice commune (Silesian Voivodeship). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 3(23), 28-43 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.3.04


5. Zastosowanie fermentacji psychrofilowej do oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych / The application of psychrophilic digestion for municipal sewage treatment

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

44-53; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_mrowiec_vol3202244-53.pdf

anaerobic treatment, psychrophilic digestion, anaerobic filter, municipal wastewater treatment

Used in practice biological wastewater treatment systems under aerobic conditions are characterized by high energy consumption and a significant sewage sludge production. Anaerobic wastewater treatment differs from conventional aerobic treatment. The absence of oxygen leads to controlled conversion of complex organic pollutions, mainly to carbon dioxide and methane. Anaerobic treatment has favourable effects like removal of higher organic loading, low sludge production, high pathogen removal, biogas gas production and low energy consumption. Psychrophilic anaerobic treatment can be an attractive option to conventional anaerobic digestion for municipal sewage (and wastewaters with industrial effluents) that are discharged at moderate to low temperature. Most reactions in the biodegradation of organic matter require more energy to proceed at low temperatures than at a temperature optimum of 37ºC. However, same reactions, such hydrogenotrophic methane production, acetate formation from hydrogen and bicarbonate, require less energy. In this work, an upflow anaerobic filter for municipal sewage treatment was used. The investigations were carried out in laboratory scale. The sewage treatment process was operated in psychrophilic conditions in the temperature 15–19°C. The value of hydraulic retention time in anaerobic bioreactor was 48 h. A real municipal sewage was taken from the treatment plant, operated in a full scale. The COD values of raw sewage were between 380 and 895 mg O2/L. The sewage used was additionally polluted with ammonia nitrogen average 81 mg NH4+/L, phosphate – 27 mg PO43-/L as well as sulphates 69 mg SO42-/L. The investigations comprised of three series of different organic loading rates: series 1 – 0.19 kg COD/(m3·d), series 2 – 0.32 kg COD/(m3·d) and series 3 – 0.26 kg COD/(m3·d). Depending on values of sewage/organic loading rates 46–72% of COD were removal at psychrophilic conditions. The presence of ammonia nitrogen and sulphates did not have a negative impact on the process of organic matter degradation. Anaerobic treatment was effective in removing biodegradable organic compounds, but mineral compounds (NH4+, PO43-, S2-) remained in high concentrations. Therefore, these compounds require removing by an additional post-treatment step.

For citation:
Mrowiec B. 2022. The application of psychrophilic digestion for municipal sewage treatment. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 3(23), 44-53 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2022.3.05

1. Wspomnienie o Profesorze Henryku Klamie / Memories of Professor Henryk Klama

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-4; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_salachna_vol220221-4.pdf 


not specified

not specified

For citation:
Salachna A. 2021. Memories of Professor Henryk Klama. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 1-4 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.01

2. Zastosowanie membran MWCNT/PAN do usuwania metali ciężkich / Application of MWCNT/PAN membranes for heavy metals removal
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

5-14; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_przywara_vol220225-14.pdf


composite membranes MWCNT/PAN, heavy metals, ultrafiltration

The paper presents results of research on the production, properties and application of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based membranes with the addition of multi-wallet carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) for the removal of heavy metals such as lead, zinc, cobalt and nickel from water and wastewater. The introduction of the MWCNT additive into the PAN matrix slowed down the membrane coagulation process, which resulted in an increase in their mass per unit area, thickness, apparent density and porosity, pore size of the membranes and improved the transport and separation properties. PAN membranes were obtained using phase inversion method. First, a 12% solution of PAN in DMF was prepared. Membrane-forming solutions containing 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% of MWCNT respectively were prepared to form MWCNT/PAN composite membranes. Of all the composite membranes MWCNT/PAN obtained, the membrane “1” was characterized by the best properties. The pure water flux through membrane “1” was 9–12 fold higher than in the unmodified membrane (“0”). Performing structural tests enabled to explain phenomena observed during physicochemical properties tests. When analyzing the SEM photomicrographs (cross-section, bottom layer), it can be reported that the best structural is characterized by membrane “1”. The satisfactory results of transport membrane research encouraged to analyze the separation properties of composite membranes MWCNT/PAN. In order to test the separation properties, water with individual ions and ions in the electroplating wastewater was analyzed in terms of the use of the membranes for heavy metals removal. The examination of water individual ions was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry showed that only Zn2+ and Co2+ ions were completely removed (100%) on each of the membranes obtained in the experiment. The degree of heavy metals removal for all the obtained membranes and for subsequent ions was estimated at: 100% (Co2+), 70–100% (Zn2+), 65–100% (Ni2+) and 62–100% (Pb2+) for water and wastewater. The yielded results may indicate the occurrence of competitive reactions leading to preferential removal of metals from the electroplating wastewater.

For citation:
Przywara L. 2021. Application of MWCNT/PAN membranes for heavy metals removal. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 5-14 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.02

3. Formowanie materiałów chitynowych przy zastosowaniu elektroprzędzenia / Formation chitin materials with the use of electrospinning
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

15-23; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_biniaś_biernat_vol2202215-23.pdf

fibres, spheres, chitin, phosphoric acid, FTIR

As part of the research, chitin materials were obtained using the electrospinning method. For this purpose, chitin solutions were prepared in phosphoric acid and lithium chloride in an amide solvent. The coagulation of chitin materials was performed in alkaline water baths and in distilled water. As a result of the method, microspheres and microfibers of chitin were obtained. The morphological structure of the obtained materials was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an optical microscope. The obtained microspheres were characterized by a similar diameter value, amounting to 195 μm. In contrast, chitin microfibers from 90 to 150 μm. The obtained materials were subjected to mid-infrared and Raman spectrophotometric tests in order to determine the influence of the solvents used on the chemical structure of native and regenerated chitin. Infrared spectroscopy studies confirmed no changes in the chemical structure of regenerated chitin. Raman spectroscopy studies confirmed no degradation of regenerated chitin. In the spectra obtained, differences were observed in the form of changes in the shape of the bands for oscillators be associated in inter-molecular interactions, which is caused by changes in the supermolecular structure.

For citation:
Biniaś D., Biernat A. 2021. Formation chitin materials with the use of electrospinning. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 15-23 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.03


4. Zakres stosowania rozporządzenia REACH dla zeolitów / The scope of the REACH regulation to zeolites
Silesian University of Technology, Department of Applied Geology, Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland


24-29; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_adamczyk_harat_vol2202224-29.pdf

environmental management, REACH system, zeolites

REACH is an European Community regulation, which aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. All chemical substances within the European Community (EC) territory in quantities of more than 1 Mg P.A. have to be registered by manufactures or importers, which have to submit to ECHA dossiers about each substance. The last mentioned refers to both natural as well as synthetic substances. Good example of this type of substances are zeolites. This paper presents the aspects of REACH regulation in case of zeolites production. Zeolites are crystalline, micro porous, hydrated aluminosilicates that are built from an infinitely extending three dimensional network of [SiO4]4- and [AlO4]5- tetrahedral linked to each other by the sharing of oxygen atoms. Zeolites, thanks to their sorptive and ion-exchange properties, have a great potential in their application e.g. water and wastewater treatment (removal of ammonium ions, heavy metals, oil-derivative contaminants, radioactive compounds), adsorption processes etc. Zeolites are natural minerals (chabazite, phillipsite, mordenite, clinoptilolite) but majority of zeolites used commercially are produced in synthetic processes. Natural zeolites are a substance within the meaning of REACH regulation as a consequence of mentioned substance definition given in 3rd Article of regulation. The problem of synthetic zeolites is closely connected with status of waste in the meaning of Waste Framework Directive and REACH regulation.

For citation:
Adamczyk Z., Harat A. 2021. The scope of the REACH regulation to zeolites. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 24-29 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.04


5. Wpływ czasu użytkowania na właściwości włóknin Maliwatt stosowanych jako zabezpieczenie przeciwerozyjne skarp / Effect of time of use on properties of Maliwatt nonwovens used as slope erosion control

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Patrycja DERBIN
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala


30-38; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_grzybowskapietras_derbin_vol2202230-38.pdf

geotextile, biononwovens, slope, erosion, biodegradation, tenacity, hydraulic properties

The additional artificial elements have been implemented into weak soil to improve and stabilize the structures. The most frequent example is use of geosynthetics materials that increase stability, improve bearing capacity of soil, protect against surface erosion, affect into properties connected with filtration and drainage. The basic methods to protect against erosion of slopes is selected planting of grass and vegetation that prevent surface destruction. The application of biodegradable geotextiles allows to increase the positive impact on local stability of slopes. Advanced geotextiles support the vegetation growth by protection against dewatering. The geotextiles with grass seeds, biomates and fabrics made of natural fibers are frequently used in these applications. The physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of applied materials should correspond to the purpose of built structure and type of soil. The paper presents results of research of the Maliwatt type nonwovens. The analysis includes: the influence of different type of Maliwatt nonwovens and time of their use on selected physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of these materials. The research was done by use of biotextile stitched with the Maliwatt technique that is available on the Polish market. The geotextiles were obtained from waste synthetic and natural nonwovens (RKL) with grass seeds, and innovative non-woven fabrics stitched with polyamide yarn (Maliwatt) obtained from low-quality washed sheep wool. The impact of the type of non-woven fabric on the growth of grasses was also analyzed. Research included spreading of 2 types of nonwovens on a natural slope with natural soil cover for 5 months period. All tests were performed in accordance with the applicable harmonized standards.

For citation:
Grzybowska-Pietras J., Derbin P. 2021. Effect of time of use on properties of Maliwatt nonwovens used as slope erosion control. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 2(22), 30-38 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.2.05

1. Wybrane problemy zagospodarowania zlewni górskich w aspekcie ochrony zbiorników zaporowych w Karpatach Polskich Selected problems in the development of mountain catchments for the protection of dam reservoirs in the Polish Carpathians

Andrzej JAGUŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-15; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_jaguś_vol120211-15.pdf 


catchment retention, surface runoff, anti-erosion management, water quality protection

The current spatial development of the catchment area in the Polish Carpathians shows features that accelerate the water cycle and its erosive activity. The region is characterized, among others, by: insufficient forest cover, the presence of fallow land and abandoned land, scattering of buildings, disturbance of the course of agro-forest borders, excessive number of dirt roads and various hardened surfaces, degradation of forest ecosystems. This translates into siltation and pollution of Carpathian dam reservoirs important for the water and economic system of the country. The aim of the article is to present selected principles and methods of arranging the catchment area in the Polish Carpathians in terms of improving the catchment retention capacity and, at the same time, the quality of water. The result of proper management would be a stable supply of good quality water to the reservoirs. Protective activity for water resources should focus on replacing surface runoff with ground runoff in order to increase the retention capacity of the area and protect against erosion. The key is to properly shape the plant cover, which at the same time protects the water quality. The watershed zones and steep slopes should be forested. Permanent grasslands for extensive animal breeding should be considered the optimal form of agricultural use of the Carpathian areas. Together with forest areas with a good health condition, they not only create favorable water conditions, but also ensure the preservation of biodiversity. The maintenance of arable land is permitted up to an altitude of 700 m a.s.l. and requires good agricultural practice to minimize soil erosion and nitrate migration. It is unacceptable to leave the soil without plant cover. River bed zones and watercourse beds require appropriate technical or biological support to prevent the development of bedside erosion and sediment displacement, as well as the ingestion of material from slopes. Plant communities near the river beds should be protected under landscape protection.

For citation:
Jaguś A. 2021. Selected problems in the development of mountain catchments for the protection of dam reservoirs in the Polish Carpathians. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 1-15 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.01

2. Alkalizacja jako metoda wstępnej hydrolizy osadu czynnego przed procesem fermentacji beztlenowej / Alkalization as a method of preliminary hydrolysis of waste activated sludge before the anaerobic digestion process
Klaudiusz GRÜBEL
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Stanisław WACŁAWEK
Technical University of Liberec, Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, Studentská 1402/2, 46117 Liberec 1, Czech Republic

16-25; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_grubel_waclawek_vol1202116-25.pdf


alkalization, waste activated sludge, hydrolysis, hydrodynamic disintegration

The aim of the research work was to determine the possibility of initial hydrolysis of the waste activated sludge with the use of the alkalization process. On the basis of the tests performed, it was found that the obtained pH value drops quite quickly after adding NaOH. In practice, after a period of 30 minutes, a further decrease in the pH value takes place, but at a lower rate. Therefore, 30 minutes was considered as a technically valid reaction time. After this reaction time, the COD (soluble COD; S-COD) values were recorded. They represented  the release of organic matter into the liquid phase. In addition, a second disintegration method was carried out, on the alkalized earlier waste activated sludge, based on the phenomenon of hydrodynamic cavitation. Carrying out such a hybrid method of destroying activated sludge flocs and microorganisms contributed to the achievement of much greater hydrolysis effects. On the basis of the conducted research, it can be concluded that the use of such hydrolysis processes lead to good results in relation to further sludge processing, e.g. anaerobic digestion, which may result in a significant improvement in biogas production and an increase in biogas yield.

For citation:
Grübel K., Wacławek S. 2021. Alkalization as a method of preliminary hydrolysis of waste activated sludge before the anaerobic digestion process. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 16-25 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.02

3. Wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na imisję pyłu zawieszonego oraz kształt smug kominowych w sezonie grzewczym / Influence of meteorological conditions on the particulate matter immission and the shape of wastegases streaks in the heating season
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

26-37; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_wierzbińska_szczepaniak_vol1202126-37.pdf

streak of wastgases, imission, atmosphere balance, air quality

The aim of the study was to analyze exhaust gas streaks emitted from emitters during the heating season in the city of Żywiec. The relationships between the shape of the streaks and the weather conditions (wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, dust concentration) were analyzed. The shape of the chimney streaks (streaks: looping, coning, fanning, lofting, fumigation) has a decisive influence on the quality of the atmospheric air in the vicinity of the emitters. The observations of the emitters were carried out for 92 days – at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., to separate the conditions existing before the satisfaction of social and living needs (morning hours) and at the time of satisfying them (evening hours). At the same time, data of the state of the atmosphere obtained from the Żywiec-Zabłocie air quality station and from two weather stations: ŻAR BSP Międzybrodzie Żywieckie and IMWM-PIB Radziechowy were recorded. The article presents the results of measurements of the state of the atmosphere and the observation of streaks. Data analysis showed a direct influence of weather conditions on the shape of the streaks and thus on the air quality. Analysis of the results showed that during periods of thermal inversion, there was an increase in the immission of particulate matter in the ground layer of the atmosphere. These conditions were often accompanied by pollutant or loop-shaped chimney streaks. Moreover, the increase in wind speed resulted in a decrease in the concentration of dust pollutants in a given area and contributed to the formation of ventilation streaks. During the observation of pollutant and loop-type chimney streaks, the immission of suspended dust increased significantly, which resulted in deterioration of air quality in Żywiec.

For citation:
Wierzbińska M., Szczepaniak R. 2021. Influence of meteorological conditions on the particulate matter immission and the shape of wastegases streaks in the heating season. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 26-37 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.03


4. Instytucja opłaty z tytułu usuwania drzew i krzewów w polskim porządku prawnym / The institution of a fee for the removal of trees and bushes in the Polish legal system
Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

38-45; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_harat_vol1202138-45.pdf

environmental charges, tree and bush removal, environmental economics

In Polish legislation, there are various legal grounds for paying environmental fees. One of the legislative solutions that provides for this type of economic and legal instrument is the removal of trees and bushes from real estate, which is the subject of this article. The economic consequences of such activities are specified in the Nature Conservation Act of April 16, 2004. Apart from specifying the amount of fees due, the above mentioned legal regulation contains detailed substantive and procedural solutions relating to this type of activity. As a rule, the removal of a tree (bush) from the property requires a permit, which is usually issued by the head of the commune (mayor). The fee required to pay is the product of the number of centimeters of a tree trunk at the height of the so-called breast diameter (130 cm) and the rate indicated in the executive regulation to the act. In the case of bushes, the fee is calculated on the basis of the size of the area they occupy. A characteristic feature of the discussed financial instruments in the Polish legal system were the inconsistent and relatively frequent, especially in recent years, changes in the legal status presented in the article. Initially, they were characterized by rapid liberalization of the applicable regulations, which was reflected in the waiver of the obligation to obtain permission in the form of an administrative decision, and complete deformalisation of activities related to the removal of a tree (bush) from the property owned by natural persons, if the tree (bush) was removed for purposes not related to running a business. Then, it was noted that this type of regulation did not sufficiently control the process. As a result, the provisions were amended again. This time they were based on a compromise solution, which was the obligation to report one’s intention to remove a tree or a bush to a competent authority.

For citation:
Harat A. 2021. The institution of a fee for the removal of trees and bushes in the Polish legal system. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 38-45 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.04


5. Surface morphology and physical properties of sheep wool of selected Polish breeds / Morfologia powierzchni i właściwości fizyczne wełny owczej wybranych ras hodowanych w Polsce

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala


46-53; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_broda_paczkowska_vol1202146-53.pdf

sheep, Polish breed, wool, wool properties, surface morphology

The wool of three Polish sheep breeds was investigated. Basic physical properties of fibres: length, diameter and strength were determined and surface morphology using scanning electron microscope were studied. It was stated that raw fibres are coated by significant quantity of a grease. After removing of the grease on the fibres surface fine scales are observed. For all three breeds the fibres are short and thick. The fibres length and thickness is characterized by significant diversity. The fibres exhibit low strength and high elasticity.

For citation:
Broda J., Paczkowska E. 2021. Surface morphology and physical properties of sheep wool of selected Polish breeds. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 46-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.05


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