1. O spektrofotometrii inaczej / About spectrophotometry differently
Włodzimierz BINIAŚ University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland wbinias@ubb.edu.pl
1-31; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_binias_vol720241-31.pdf
Keywords spectrophotometry, phenomenology, photon, wave-particle duality, molecular orbitals, chemical bond
Abstract The article is written in a popular science convention. It concerns issues related to generally understood issues that are involved in explaining the principles of the impact of the measurement beam in spectrophotometric research. To explain this, we need to answer basic questions about what a photon is? What is wave-particle dualism? What do chemical bonds look like? What conditions must be met for a photon to be adsorbed by a chemical moiety? There are many inaccuracies in the current theories that do not explain the observed phenomena. The phenomenological models of the photon and chemical bonds that I have created are intended to explain photoelectric and optical phenomena that are not explained by either the wave or particle nature of photons. There is also no clear model of chemical bonds that would explain the phenomena observed in spectrophotometry. Phenomenological considerations are accompanied by several physical considerations and calculations in order to illustrate certain phenomena and proportions prevailing on the atomic scale. The above considerations are of a debatable nature and are an attempt to break away from stereotypical concepts operating in the world of science. Spectrophotometry is an analytical method that combines theories about photons, the structure of matter and phenomena that concern their mutual interactions. The phenomena visible in it can be interpreted more easily using my phenomenological image of matter.
For citation: Biniaś W. 2024. About spectrophotometry differently. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 1-31 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.01
2. Możliwości ograniczania śladu węglowego poprzez wykorzystanie systemu zarządzania energią (EMS) / The possibilities of limiting the trace of coal through the use of the Energy Management System (EMS) Marcin PIEKARSKI EnobEMS firma INSTALPOL sp. z o.o., Bielska 13, 43-518 Ligota, Poland, marcin.piekarski@enob.eu Klaudiusz GRÜBEL University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, kgrubel@ubb.edu.pl
32-42; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_piekarski_grubel_vol7202432-42.pdf
Keywords electricity, system heat, energy management, key parameters of energy efficiency, industry, production
Abstract Increasing energy efficiency will be essential to achieving the climate goals laid out in European Union directives. This is particularly true for industries, whose share of heat and energy consumption, using Poland as an example, is about one-third of the total. This challenge has implications both in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, but also for maintaining the competitiveness of EU countries' industries in the global market. Implementation in industrial processes of energy management systems - EMS, monitoring energy key performance indicators - KPI, is a tool for making informed investment decisions, in increasing energy efficiency of enterprises and industrial processes. There is the Industrial Energy Management System (IEMS), which focuses on energy efficiency in industrial processes, the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) for buildings, such as commercial buildings, and the Home Energy Management System (HEMS), which is becoming increasingly popular for residential users and small properties. The concept of measuring, or rather calculating, the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of a manufacturing process is derived from the broader concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in general. The PCF is expressed in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) equivalent units, or CO2-eq. The essence of the PCF calculation is a multi-faceted approach to addressing the sources of GHG emissions, from the acquisition of raw materials, their processing with tools and the energy supplied to the process, through the supply chain and transport to the customer. Each of these stages generates a cost in the form of greenhouse gas equivalent (GHG) emissions to the environment, and the sum of these costs is the present carbon footprint (PCF). Typically, the majority of a product's PCF comes from the extraction and pre-processing of the raw material itself.
For citation: Piekarski M., Grübel K. 2024. The possibilities of limiting the trace of coal through the use of the Energy Management System (EMS). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 32-42 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.02
3. Środowiskowo-prawne aspekty planowania przestrzennego na terenach górniczych / Environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas Andrzej HARAT University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, aharat@ubb.edu.pl Andrzej JAGUŚ University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, ajagus@ubb.edu.pl
43-55; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_harat_jagus_vol7202443-55-1.pdf
Keywords mining area, spatial planning, environmental consequences of mining activities
Abstract The environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas presented in this work should be considered important, especially in the region of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, where mining has been carried out since the 17th century until present. Such a long period of mining activity, characterized by a particularly negative impact on the environment, has led to a number of adverse consequences for buildings and other infrastructure facilities. Therefore, it became necessary to develop and implement legal instruments aimed at reducing the negative influence of mining works on the environment. An important tool for achieving the indicated objectives is a forecast on the negative impact of mining works on land surface, which should be submitted by the mining entrepreneur as part of a deposit development plan. The negative impact of mining works on land surface usually results in land depression and deformation as well as the loss of its continuity, accompanied by the formation of cracks and faults. After the information submitted by the entrepreneur has been verified by the District Mining Office, it becomes one of the most important elements of the licence decision as it results in designating mining areas and so-called protective pillars. Interestingly, the currently applicable Geological and Mining Law of June 9, 2011, unlike the previously applicable regulation of February 4, 1994, does not impose a legal obligation to prepare local development plans for mining areas. It seems, however, that in the event such areas exist, their purpose and land development methods should be determined in the form of a local legal act despite the lack of a statutory requirement. This solution enables introducing restrictions on property development and, consequently, makes it possible to reduce mining damage.
For citation: Harat A., Jaguś A. 2024. Environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 43-55 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.03
4. Goździk kosmaty Diathus armeria L. na Pogórzu Cieszyńskim (południowa Polska) / Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland) Tomasz BECZAŁA Górecki Nature Club Association, Zalesie 12, 43-436 Górki Wielkie, Poland Damian CHMURA University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, dchmura@ubb.edu.pl
56-62; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_beczala_chmura_vol7202456-62.pdf
Keywords protected species, abundance of population, localities of rare plant species
Abstract Deptford pink Dianthus armeria L. is a representative of Caryophyllaceae family. It is plant species that is strictly protected since 2014. In the local Red List for the Silesian Province it was considered an endangered species. During 2023-2024 fieldwork was done that aimed to update the list of the localities of this species in the Cieszyn Foothills region. The locality was marked on the map using methodological assumptions of Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants in Poland. The density of population was counted or estimated. As a result of the field studies in the study area 9 localities (a total of 17 local populations) of Dianthus armeria were found in grassland, meadow, fringe and ruderal communities. Totally 8 localities were new to this area. Only localities from Tuł Mt has been known earlier. There were also the highest abundance of population, estimated at 600-700 individuals but population contain several small populations that amounting from tens to several hundreds of plants. Two populations are in Cisownica village and they occupy slopes of two local mountains: Kopieniec Mt (475 m a.s.l.) and Malcowa Mt (510 m a.s.l.). In Cieszyn population grows close to the nature reserve “Kopce”, and ecological use are “Łąki na kopcach”. In Leszna Górna village populations occupy xerothermic grasslands. The other situation is Górki Wielkie where the species grows in ruderal habitats: levees along Brennica river and in the vicinity of market. The other human-made habitats which were grown by Dianthus armeria were found in Puńców. These ones were abandoned quarry of dolomites and the vicinity of sports field but close to the fring of oak-hornbeam forest. In general, the population in the Cieszyn Foothills, size ranged from a few individuals to approximately several hundred. The lack of accurate data from previous years does not allow to assess the dynamics of the distribution and abundance of this species. Based on the general trends of Dianthus armeria in Poland, the population status appears to be satisfactory.
For citation: Beczała T., Chmura D. 2024. Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 56-62 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.04
5. Otrzymywanie i degradacja kompozytów na bazie polilaktydu i paździerzy konopnych modyfikowanych stearyną / Preparation and degradation of composites based on polylactide and hemp shives modified with stearin Dorota BINIAŚ University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, dbinias@ubb.edu.pl Weronika DRABEK Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland
63-73; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract
Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_binias_drabek_vol7202463-73-1.pdf
Keywords polylactide (PLA), hemp shives, composites, biodegradation
Abstract As a result of the work carried out, composites were obtained whose matrix was polylactide (PLA) and the filler was hemp shives with the addition of stearin. Using a heating press, composites with different shares of both PLA and hemp shives were obtained. The amount of stearin was always 15% in relation to the mass of hemp shives used. Samples were prepared from the obtained composites to test the biodegradation process, which were measured and weighed. The biodegradation process was carried out in the environment, placing the appropriately prepared batches of composites in compost derived from grass. Samples were taken at monthly intervals to analyze changes in mass and thickness and morphological assessment. The degradation process of the obtained composites was carried out for 3 months. The mass of the samples after the first month of biodegradation did not change significantly, however, with the biodegradation time, the masses of the tested composite samples decrease. The thickness of composite samples after the first month of biodegradation increased in relation to the initial value, which may be caused by the adsorption of water from the substrate. However, after three months of biodegradation, a decrease in thickness was observed for all samples in comparison to the initial value. Analysis of the surface morphology of the composite samples carried out using a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope confirmed the biodegradation process for the obtained composites. Stearin, which is a mixture of fatty acids, used as a composite modifying additive turned out to be a nutrient for microorganisms present in the compost, which accelerated the decomposition of the samples. As a result of the conducted research, it can be stated that the obtained composite has properties that support ecological processing, which is in line with the assumptions of a circular economy.
For citation: Biniaś D., Drabek W. 2024. Preparation and degradation of composites based on polylactide and hemp shives modified with stearin. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 63-73 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.05