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Data: 07.11.2024
Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering Vol. 1(21) 2021
Autor: Published by University of Bielsko-Biala
Liczba stron: 53
Rok wydania: 2021

1. Wybrane problemy zagospodarowania zlewni górskich w aspekcie ochrony zbiorników zaporowych w Karpatach Polskich Selected problems in the development of mountain catchments for the protection of dam reservoirs in the Polish Carpathians

Andrzej JAGUŚ
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

1-15; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 1_jaguś_vol120211-15.pdf 


catchment retention, surface runoff, anti-erosion management, water quality protection

The current spatial development of the catchment area in the Polish Carpathians shows features that accelerate the water cycle and its erosive activity. The region is characterized, among others, by: insufficient forest cover, the presence of fallow land and abandoned land, scattering of buildings, disturbance of the course of agro-forest borders, excessive number of dirt roads and various hardened surfaces, degradation of forest ecosystems. This translates into siltation and pollution of Carpathian dam reservoirs important for the water and economic system of the country. The aim of the article is to present selected principles and methods of arranging the catchment area in the Polish Carpathians in terms of improving the catchment retention capacity and, at the same time, the quality of water. The result of proper management would be a stable supply of good quality water to the reservoirs. Protective activity for water resources should focus on replacing surface runoff with ground runoff in order to increase the retention capacity of the area and protect against erosion. The key is to properly shape the plant cover, which at the same time protects the water quality. The watershed zones and steep slopes should be forested. Permanent grasslands for extensive animal breeding should be considered the optimal form of agricultural use of the Carpathian areas. Together with forest areas with a good health condition, they not only create favorable water conditions, but also ensure the preservation of biodiversity. The maintenance of arable land is permitted up to an altitude of 700 m a.s.l. and requires good agricultural practice to minimize soil erosion and nitrate migration. It is unacceptable to leave the soil without plant cover. River bed zones and watercourse beds require appropriate technical or biological support to prevent the development of bedside erosion and sediment displacement, as well as the ingestion of material from slopes. Plant communities near the river beds should be protected under landscape protection.

For citation:
Jaguś A. 2021. Selected problems in the development of mountain catchments for the protection of dam reservoirs in the Polish Carpathians. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 1-15 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.01

2. Alkalizacja jako metoda wstępnej hydrolizy osadu czynnego przed procesem fermentacji beztlenowej / Alkalization as a method of preliminary hydrolysis of waste activated sludge before the anaerobic digestion process
Klaudiusz GRÜBEL
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Stanisław WACŁAWEK
Technical University of Liberec, Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, Studentská 1402/2, 46117 Liberec 1, Czech Republic

16-25; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 2_grubel_waclawek_vol1202116-25.pdf


alkalization, waste activated sludge, hydrolysis, hydrodynamic disintegration

The aim of the research work was to determine the possibility of initial hydrolysis of the waste activated sludge with the use of the alkalization process. On the basis of the tests performed, it was found that the obtained pH value drops quite quickly after adding NaOH. In practice, after a period of 30 minutes, a further decrease in the pH value takes place, but at a lower rate. Therefore, 30 minutes was considered as a technically valid reaction time. After this reaction time, the COD (soluble COD; S-COD) values were recorded. They represented  the release of organic matter into the liquid phase. In addition, a second disintegration method was carried out, on the alkalized earlier waste activated sludge, based on the phenomenon of hydrodynamic cavitation. Carrying out such a hybrid method of destroying activated sludge flocs and microorganisms contributed to the achievement of much greater hydrolysis effects. On the basis of the conducted research, it can be concluded that the use of such hydrolysis processes lead to good results in relation to further sludge processing, e.g. anaerobic digestion, which may result in a significant improvement in biogas production and an increase in biogas yield.

For citation:
Grübel K., Wacławek S. 2021. Alkalization as a method of preliminary hydrolysis of waste activated sludge before the anaerobic digestion process. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 16-25 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.02

3. Wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na imisję pyłu zawieszonego oraz kształt smug kominowych w sezonie grzewczym / Influence of meteorological conditions on the particulate matter immission and the shape of wastegases streaks in the heating season
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala

26-37; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 3_wierzbińska_szczepaniak_vol1202126-37.pdf

streak of wastgases, imission, atmosphere balance, air quality

The aim of the study was to analyze exhaust gas streaks emitted from emitters during the heating season in the city of Żywiec. The relationships between the shape of the streaks and the weather conditions (wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, dust concentration) were analyzed. The shape of the chimney streaks (streaks: looping, coning, fanning, lofting, fumigation) has a decisive influence on the quality of the atmospheric air in the vicinity of the emitters. The observations of the emitters were carried out for 92 days – at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., to separate the conditions existing before the satisfaction of social and living needs (morning hours) and at the time of satisfying them (evening hours). At the same time, data of the state of the atmosphere obtained from the Żywiec-Zabłocie air quality station and from two weather stations: ŻAR BSP Międzybrodzie Żywieckie and IMWM-PIB Radziechowy were recorded. The article presents the results of measurements of the state of the atmosphere and the observation of streaks. Data analysis showed a direct influence of weather conditions on the shape of the streaks and thus on the air quality. Analysis of the results showed that during periods of thermal inversion, there was an increase in the immission of particulate matter in the ground layer of the atmosphere. These conditions were often accompanied by pollutant or loop-shaped chimney streaks. Moreover, the increase in wind speed resulted in a decrease in the concentration of dust pollutants in a given area and contributed to the formation of ventilation streaks. During the observation of pollutant and loop-type chimney streaks, the immission of suspended dust increased significantly, which resulted in deterioration of air quality in Żywiec.

For citation:
Wierzbińska M., Szczepaniak R. 2021. Influence of meteorological conditions on the particulate matter immission and the shape of wastegases streaks in the heating season. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 26-37 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.03


4. Instytucja opłaty z tytułu usuwania drzew i krzewów w polskim porządku prawnym / The institution of a fee for the removal of trees and bushes in the Polish legal system
Andrzej HARAT
University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

38-45; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.
Polish with English abstract


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 4_harat_vol1202138-45.pdf

environmental charges, tree and bush removal, environmental economics

In Polish legislation, there are various legal grounds for paying environmental fees. One of the legislative solutions that provides for this type of economic and legal instrument is the removal of trees and bushes from real estate, which is the subject of this article. The economic consequences of such activities are specified in the Nature Conservation Act of April 16, 2004. Apart from specifying the amount of fees due, the above mentioned legal regulation contains detailed substantive and procedural solutions relating to this type of activity. As a rule, the removal of a tree (bush) from the property requires a permit, which is usually issued by the head of the commune (mayor). The fee required to pay is the product of the number of centimeters of a tree trunk at the height of the so-called breast diameter (130 cm) and the rate indicated in the executive regulation to the act. In the case of bushes, the fee is calculated on the basis of the size of the area they occupy. A characteristic feature of the discussed financial instruments in the Polish legal system were the inconsistent and relatively frequent, especially in recent years, changes in the legal status presented in the article. Initially, they were characterized by rapid liberalization of the applicable regulations, which was reflected in the waiver of the obligation to obtain permission in the form of an administrative decision, and complete deformalisation of activities related to the removal of a tree (bush) from the property owned by natural persons, if the tree (bush) was removed for purposes not related to running a business. Then, it was noted that this type of regulation did not sufficiently control the process. As a result, the provisions were amended again. This time they were based on a compromise solution, which was the obligation to report one’s intention to remove a tree or a bush to a competent authority.

For citation:
Harat A. 2021. The institution of a fee for the removal of trees and bushes in the Polish legal system. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 38-45 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.04


5. Surface morphology and physical properties of sheep wool of selected Polish breeds / Morfologia powierzchni i właściwości fizyczne wełny owczej wybranych ras hodowanych w Polsce

University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Materials Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala


46-53; Pol. J. Mater. Environ. Eng.


Article (PDF) CC BY 4.0 / 5_broda_paczkowska_vol1202146-53.pdf

sheep, Polish breed, wool, wool properties, surface morphology

The wool of three Polish sheep breeds was investigated. Basic physical properties of fibres: length, diameter and strength were determined and surface morphology using scanning electron microscope were studied. It was stated that raw fibres are coated by significant quantity of a grease. After removing of the grease on the fibres surface fine scales are observed. For all three breeds the fibres are short and thick. The fibres length and thickness is characterized by significant diversity. The fibres exhibit low strength and high elasticity.

For citation:
Broda J., Paczkowska E. 2021. Surface morphology and physical properties of sheep wool of selected Polish breeds. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 46-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2021.1.05


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